Trivia Night 2025

February 21, 2025
Map Unavailable

6:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Categories No Categories


Come test your trivia knowledge or just come to have a great time at IHM’s TRIVIA NIGHT! 

Cost $40 per person ($320 per table up to 8 people).

Only 4 more tables left!!



What is Trivia Night?

This annual event is the largest fundraiser for the 8th grade Washington DC trip. Hambone’s Trivia will be onsite on February 21st at 7 PM to provide a fun night of trivia and games.

What you will need for successful evening:

-Gather a group of 8 friends, devise a table theme (not necessary, but fun), and start planning your food and bev menu (event is BYOB)
-Want to attend, but not sure if you can fill a table? That’s okay. Go ahead and register and the event organizers will figure out the rest!

Want to sponsor?

-We have various price points to fit every budget. Please use the registration link to sponsor. Registration Link:

Additional Add-ons the Night of the Event……

Secure an edge tonight by purchasing 5 answers for just $50. Limited to 1 answer per round, place a sticker on the answer form for the trivia question you wish to answer, allowing you to maximize your chances every round, except Round Six (6).

*Auction For Expert- Father Pat

Seize this opportunity to use the knowledge of our very own Father Pat! Join the auction to bid and secure Father Pat’s expertise for your team. His knowledge will exceed expectations and will elevate your chances for a very successful Round 3!


Join the fun with Mr. K, in this exciting game after Round 4. Grab your paddles – it’s $40 for 8 paddles or $5 per paddle. Compete for a chance to win a prize & 5 points for your team.