
To: Couples wishing to get married at Immaculate Heart of Mary

We would like to welcome couples who wish to get married at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church and are truly planning a celebration of faith with the understanding of the importance of marriage as a sacrament.

A wedding ceremony is an invitation to your guests to gather for prayer and ritual. The ceremony is a witness to your promises of love and marriage, and we ask God to bless those promises. It is appropriate to make the ceremony beautiful, warm, personal and alive. But try to keep it simple with the emphasis on marriage as a sacrament. Imagine how powerful your witness to others can be by having a beautiful ceremony with simple elegance.

We welcome you to Immaculate Heart of Mary for your wedding and we hope the day will be both beautiful and prayerful. Being married at Immaculate Heart assumes that one of the two parties is active in the Catholic faith and an active member of the parish. Also, upon scheduling your wedding day, I will ask you to fill out two questionnaire forms that will help me get to know each of you better and your history as a Christian.

Best Wishes!
Fr. Pat Beidelman and the IHM Staff

Wedding Fee Schedule
Church Fee (deposit) $250.00
Stipend for Presider (Optional at couple’s discretion)  
Wedding Coordinator Fee (does not include fee for musicians) $200.00
Wedding Prep Only $  50.00
A deposit is required at the time of scheduling the wedding date.
All other fees may be paid the week prior to the wedding.


Specific Guidelines to be married at IHM:

  • Enrolled as parishioner for 6 months
  • Regular attendance at Mass for 6 months
  • Regular tithing/stewardship
  • Exceptions are made for children of active parents

Specific Guidelines to do marriage prep only:

  • Enrolled as active (see above guidelines) parishioner for 3 months

Revised: 1/10/2019  (Contact Administrative Assistant: Kelli Ayres at [email protected])