
Confirmation is the third sacrament of initiation into the Church and completes the graces received at Baptism. A confirmed Christian has received the gifts of the Holy Spirit and possesses all the rights and responsibilities of a member of the Church.

At Immaculate Heart of Mary, Confirmation preparation is offered to students entering their sophomore year of high school or older. This is a one-year preparation process which begins in September and concludes in April with Confirmation by the Archbishop. The family must be active parishioners, and the child seeking Confirmation should have already received Baptism, Reconciliation, and First Eucharist. For questions, please contact Larry Coan at [email protected].

The fee of $50 per child covers textbooks, the retreat, and all other materials used to support your child’s preparation for this sacrament. 

If you are an adult who has not been confirmed yet but wishes to receive the Sacrament, please contact the parish office as well.






Confirmation Sponsor Form