Mass Ministries


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT continues on the first Tuesday of every month from 6:30-9:30 am in the Church.

View Sign-up list for Adoration


Altar Servers

Students in 5th-12th grade are invited to serve at our Masses.  If you would like to be a server, please click HERE and submit the form.  To be trained as a new server, please contact Julie Tomich at [email protected].

Be sure to read the SERVER MANUAL to learn the importance of your role in assisting the priest and helping the assembly worship God together.  The Server Manual includes the steps you will need to know to serve.    It also includes a glossary of words you will need to know.  



Coffee & Donuts

The coffee and donuts ministry serves coffee and donuts after the 8:00 and 9:30 Masses on the 1st and 3rd Sundays each month as a social gathering for parishioners. Ministry members purchase supplies, set-up, serve and clean-up for the gatherings.  Contact Cindy Harkness if you are interested in assisting with this ministry or call 317-921-9897.


Collection Counters

Contact Fred Bingle at [email protected]. The collection counters ministry was established years ago to count the collection received at Masses. The committee consists of five teams of counters who determine when the collection is to be counted.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve their fellow parishioners by distributing communion at Sunday Mass as well as Holy Days.

The ministers are scheduled three times each year September through January, February through June, and June through September.

Contact the parish office at 317-257-2266 if you have any questions or are interested in serving .  Eucharistic Minister Guidelines.



Extraordinary Ministers to the Sick

Contact the Parish Office if you have need of an Extraordinary Minister to bring the Sacrament to the sick or a shut-in.



Volunteers proclaim the Word at every liturgy with confidence, clarity, conviction, faith, and enthusiasm. The time commitment consists of reading at Mass approximately once every 6-7 weeks as well as one required training session each year.  Contact the parish office at 317-257-2266  if you have any questions or are interested in lectoring .   2024 Lector Guidelines.



Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy Committee serves two principal functions: First, the committee serves in an advisory capacity to the pastor with regard to parish liturgy (the public prayer and worship ceremonies of the community).

The committee also is an umbrella group consisting of the heads of sub-committees of Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Greeters and Ushers, the Music Ministry and Art & Environment. The group meets quarterly during the year.



The Music Ministry consists of several different groups that lead the congregation in musical prayer for weekly liturgies and other spiritual gatherings.

MUSIC FOR MASS – Password protected.

5:30 Saturday evening Masses 
Music ministries vary at the 5:30 Mass, as music is provided by small groups and cantors. Anyone interested in being a cantor for the 5:30 Mass should contact the parish office.

Sunday Liturgies 
Each Sunday liturgy is supported by a different group of musicians. If there is a specific service that you are interested in participating, please contact the parish office.

IHM Adult Choir 
The IHM Adult Choir sings for Christmas Eve Mass and pre-Mass program, Holy Week liturgies and the Easter Vigil and other special celebrations during the year. With 25 members currently we are always looking for new members who love to sing. There are no “auditions” for the choir, only the desire to sing from your heart in praise of our God. Please contact the parish office if you are interested.

IHM Children’s Choir 
There is currently no Children’s Choir.  



Sacristy Committee & Church Cleaning

This group was founded in 2000 after the renovation of the church. Volunteers are on a rotating basis to do a light cleaning of the Church between the School Mass and the Saturday evening Mass (i.e. change Holy Water, organize prayer books, and pick up trash).  Each group volunteers to clean for one month each year, once a week, so a total of four times a year.  Currently, volunteers include older people, younger people, groups of friends, and even married couples!  This is a great “behind the scenes” way to be involved (it takes about 60 minutes) and is much appreciated by the entire parish.  If you grew up with a mom who cleaned the church – with you sometimes “tagging along” – then this ministry is a great way to carry on that tradition, and a great way to get involved and serve your parish! Contact Vicki Christ at [email protected] or 317-413-7800.


Ushers & Greeters

The ushers/ greeters are responsible for greeting Mass attendees before and after liturgies, aid in locating seating for parishioners and visitors, collecting the offering, and facilitating the receiving of Communion process.  Extra help is especially needed for the Easter and Christmas Masses as there are overflow masses in the Activity Center.  Contact the parish office at 317-257-2266  if you have any questions or are interested in ushering.