
Fr. Pat became the new pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary in the summer of 2023.  Prior to joining the IHM family, Fr. Pat served in a variety of assignments in the Archdiocese.  In addition to serving in several parishes, he also led one of the departments at the Catholic Center, the Secretariat for Worship and Evangelization.

Fr. Pat believes “our young people are not the future of the Church but rather are the Church now and inviting them to share their gifts and to connect their faith to every aspect of their lives is the foundation of our life in Christ in this community.”

Pastor Fr. Pat Beidelman Email
Director of Finance & Administration Anna Harvey Email
Director of Evangelization & Discipleship (DED) Kaitlyn Blandford Email
Director of Music Ministries  Joe Burrows Email
Accounts Payable/Tuition Karen Winternheimer Email
Administrative Assistant Kelli Ayres Email
Administrative Assistant/Receptionist Anne Hurley Email
Communications Coordinator/DED Assistant Rose Fine Email
Receptionist  Dottie Morris Email
Mass Ministries/Administrative Assistant  Julie Tomich Email
Online Stewardship/IT Assistant Katie Graf Email
Director of Sports Ministry Paula Ryan Email
Principal Chris Kolakovich Email
Assistant Principal Kyle Burkholder Email
School Secretary Alysha Leuer Email
Facilities Manager Tom Parkes Email